CLI Utilities
CLI utilities are provide via the utils.ps1 script. The CLI utilities allow the developer to execute common tasks from the command line from within Visual Studio during development. The script is loaded into Visual Studio’s Developer PowerShell window via the installation instructions.
Pulls the latest version of the code from GitHub, including submodules.
Invokes the dotnet watch utility to open a browser to debug the Blazor application. Note that certain features that require a local client cannot be debugged with only the browser, and also require that the TempusChromely project also be debugged.
Opens the assets folder containing files that frequently change
Opens the documentation in Visual Studio Code for easy editing
Opens the webpage for the Tempus User Manual
Creates a release of the application and opens the folder to the location of the release. (Note: this currently only creates a release of the ASP.NET project. Additional steps are still required to deploy the application.)
Opens Visual Studio Code with the solution directory active
Regenerate the sample competition JSON
Compare (diff) the serialization test files. Useful for debugging serialization failures detected by the automated seralization test.