# CLI Utilities CLI utilities are provide via the [utils.ps1](../utils.ps1) script. The CLI utilities allow the developer to execute common tasks from the command line from within Visual Studio during development. The script is loaded into [Visual Studio's Developer PowerShell window](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/say-hello-to-the-new-visual-studio-terminal/) via the [installation instructions](devguide.md). ### pull Pulls the latest version of the code from GitHub, including submodules. ### watch Invokes the [dotnet watch utility](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/dotnet-watch?view=aspnetcore-5.0) to open a browser to debug the Blazor application. Note that certain features that require a local client cannot be debugged with only the browser, and also require that the TempusChromely project also be debugged. ### assets Opens the assets folder containing files that frequently change ### docs Opens the documentation in Visual Studio Code for easy editing ### manual Opens the webpage for the Tempus User Manual ### publish Creates a release of the application and opens the folder to the location of the release. (Note: this currently only creates a release of the ASP.NET project. Additional steps are still required to deploy the application.) ### vscode Opens Visual Studio Code with the solution directory active ### regen Regenerate the sample competition JSON ### diffser Compare (diff) the serialization test files. Useful for debugging serialization failures detected by the automated seralization test.