# Reports Reports are available from within the Races page via a Reports icon in the upper-right corner of the results pane and skater assignment pane at the right of the screen. All reports are stored in the user's `%Documents%\Tempus\Competitions\\Reports` folder _unless_ an [audit directory](ui.md#reports) is specified. If an audit directory is specified, all reports will be placed in the [audit directory](ui.md#reports). ## Seed Report Seed Reports are generated before each round. Each successive round contains information that identifies Qualifiers, Qualifiers+(next fastest place), current rank and lane position according to the rules. ![Seed Report](_static/Reports_Seed1.png) ![Seed Report](_static/Reports_Seed2.png) ![Seed Report](_static/Reports_Seed3.png) ## Start List Start Lists will show the division/racing group name, distance, and round. The Picking or the number of direct qualifiers from each race + number of additional qualifiers by next fastest place is displayed on the top, along with the Event #, Heat # of # and the Race #. Printing can be for each individual event or multiple events using Ctrl when selecting events ![Start List](_static/Reports_StartList.png) ## Manual Judging and Timer Sheets Manual Judging and Timing Sheets can be generated and distributed to manual timers and judges to record the results. Each judging sheet will contain the race number and skaters in the race. The corresponding timer sheet will have the same information. ![Judges Card](_static/Reports_Judges.png) ![Timers Card](_static/Reports_Timers.png) ## Results Results for the round will display like the Start List, but will include finish place, finish time, sanctions, advancements and the Q for those that qualified and Q+ if there are additional qualifiers. ![Race Results](_static/Reports_Results.png) ## Classifications Classifications are calculated according to the tie breaking rules and competition points are assigned to the rank of each Distance Classification. ### Distance Classification The Distance Classification will show the rank, points assigned to the rank. This will include the skaters number, name, affiliation and position in previous rounds and Final Round. The best time is the best time skated by the skater over the distance. ![Distance Classification](_static/Reports_DistanceClassification.png) ### Overall Classification The Overall Classification will include total points accumulated, the combined rank over all distances and the best rank achieved in any of the distances. Best Time is the last tie breaker and will use the middle distance to break any remaining ties. ![Overall Classification](_static/Reports_OverallClassification.png) ### Time Classification A Time Classification can be generated for each distance. Skaters are ranked by fastest to slowest time for the distance. ![Time Classification](_static/Reports_TimeClassification.png) ## Protocol Tempus will compile the overall classifications, distance classifications, time classifications and all the race results into a combined PDF for publishing. At this time, a protocol cover can be made by the user and merged with the protocol report for publishing on a website. ## All Results Here is a peek at an AllResults.csv file. This has been useful during the development phase of Tempus, as it can be a source for transposing data needed to calculate any specialized classification that may be required. i.e., Club Scoring. ![All Results](_static/Competition_AllResults2.png)